This project includes critical contributions from six internationally-leading design researcher/ practitioners that explore the following Design for the Unthinkable-World issues:
* What is design seeking to change and why?
* What needs to change?
* What possibilities might there be for the design of what-might-not-become in an unthinkable-world?
* Understanding how the so-called-actual and the so-called-possible—what design does and what design only dreams of doing—finally can become indistinguishable.
* What is left for design (including design research) to do in the unthinkable-world of what-might-not-become – i.e. a world-without-us?
* Can design help us understand what we do not know we do not know in an unthinkable-world?
Design for the Unthinkable-World is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) under the AHRC’s Design Priority Area Leadership Fellowship scheme (Award Ref: AH/P013619/1).